Data Science for Everyone Returns
We’re excited to once again bring you our Data Science for Everyone course over the summer. The course’s summer session 1 will take place from May 24 thru July 5. Registration is currently open, and the application deadline is May 27 for NYU students and May 12 for non-NYU students.
So what is Data Science for Everyone all about? The course was first offered in the spring 2019 semester. Initially tailored for a smaller classroom setting, the original cohort was just 31 students. As it turned out, demand was high with the course having a sizable waiting list even that first semester, thus we’ve since increased the enrollment cap substantially. Today we’re proud to say that, as the course has evolved, we have steadily had over 200 students enrolled — with still more on the waitlist each term.
The course is designed for students who have no previous programming or statistics experience, but are curious to learn what all the buzz about data science is, what kinds of exciting questions it can answer, and perhaps to explore whether it’s something they might want to pursue further. Students learn how to conduct hands-on, original research in Python using real-world datasets as tools to practice and apply principles of causal inference and scientific thinking. After taking our course, students will walk away with the ability to comprehend and use data in a principled way to better explain, make decisions, and predict outcomes in the real world. Moreover, the course will cover an array of topics and areas such as fundamentals of cause and effect, programming in Python, and statistics. Even if students never take another data science course after this (though we certainly hope they would want to), they’ll leave with a robust set of skills to be a more sophisticated consumer and producer of data science research.
Why take it over the summer?
Here’s a little bit on the benefits of taking Data Science for Everyone over the summer vs. during the other semesters in the school year. The schedule, though rigorous, is also flexible which comes in handy if students have other commitments. It also comes with the opportunity to gain an entire semester’s worth of data science knowledge in less than two months.
About The Instructor
CDS faculty fellow George Wood will be teaching this course in the 6-week Summer 1 semester. In addition to being an incredible all-around data scientist, George specifically researches inequalities in public health and criminal justice, focusing on police behavior, misconduct, and use of force. He also develops tools to enhance transparency and accountability in policing.
“In Data Science for Everyone you will learn applied skills, such as programming in Python and how to inspect, visualize, wrangle, and model data. Just as importantly, you will develop skills in reasoning about data, taking the first steps toward becoming a critical practitioner of data science,” says George.
For more information on Data Science for Everyone and/or to register for the course, please visit the CDS Data Science for Everyone course webpage.
By Ashley C. McDonald